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The Little Ferry

The Little Ferry Company does multiple daily runs on Perth's beautiful Swan River based at Elizabeth Quay. Two ePropulsion Navy 6 units power the ferry, charging is via mains power at night and solar installed on the roof of the ferry. The Motors can be raised vertically out of the water when the ferry is not in use to reduce marine fouling on the propellers. As they are electric there is no need to provide ventilation to the motors went down and hatches closed, unlike a petrol outboard. The passengers get to enjoy the beautiful Swan River with out the noise and smell of petrol outboards.

Technical Information:

Designer/Boatbuilder: Scruffie marine

Length overall: 10 m

Boat beam: 2.5 m

Draft: 0.6 m

Electric motor system: ePropulsion Navy6 (2 X 6kW outboard motors @ 48V nominal)

Electric motor weight: 27 kg each

Battery 21kWh

Solar: 1.6kW


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